
Pitch black,
careening down
a track

in vain
before a dark
freight train

blasts past.
Underneath, peace
at last.

Ryan Stone


44 thoughts on “Depression

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  1. I have missed your posts for the past couple of days. This is excellent. I love the fact that the three verses have the rythmn of a train and then, whack, the life is snuffed out. It is very powerful. I love it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s so nice to be missed, thank you. Unfortunately my brilliant poetry doesn’t pay enough to support my lifestyle…and employment intrudes on my writing time all too often ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I’m glad you picked up on the train’s rhythm, I was hoping that would come across. Thank you for your lovely feedback, Lexa ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. This hits home for me as I had a cousin, who at thirty, found his tracks in the bottom of a pill bottle. Depression can be all-consuming, often tying us to the proverbial tracks.If we are lucky, we get to hit that switch, and send the train veering into another direction while we untie those ropes that bind us. I can feel the heaviness in this piece. You describe depression so well, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a perfect analogy. I can hear the rickety clack of the train and the feeling it leaves in the body even after you’ve already been walking on firm and unshaking ground for quite some time. I have been born with too much happy hormones, so I have not experienced depression, but I have had people around me that have been through the dark tunnels while riding it. I hope you are still writing this from a happy place and full of light ๐Ÿ™‚


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