
A slate grey, cold
daybreak –

blood clot
sunrise, I take
a shot

and miss.
Life must hold more
than this.

Ryan Stone


39 thoughts on “Roulette

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  1. I can feel the static of gray clouds, the bite of cold lonesome air, and the meak aura of the new day.
    The mill goes round and round, spinning all thoughts in many directions, hoping that the next round won’t come on bleak promises.
    Splendidly sad.. hugs!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such beauty!!! I have missed your poems…post as much as you can Ryan..there are many who look forward to absorbing the beauty and sorrow in your poems πŸ™‚
    Cheers and have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hiya Shreyans. Thank you for your thoughtful words. Most of the art on my site starts as a photo and I alter it with one or more digital art programs on my iPad. Thanks for dropping by πŸ™‚

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  3. It’s interesting, your description of the sunrise isn’t beautiful. You use the words “slate” and “blood clot” and the second word, if not the first tells us the tone of this poem. Sad to think what the speaker says “life must be more than this” but we all feel this way at times. Perhaps, another day the sun will be brilliant and alive, and the day will hold something worth waking up and being excited for? I guess I just hope πŸ™‚ Great poetry Ryan.

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    1. Hope is good. Thank you for taking so much time with this one, Amanda. I was so pleased with the response it elicited from you. It’s very far from how I feel personally but I’m happy to hear my intention echoed in your words. You’ve put a big smile on my face. Thank you πŸ˜€

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