En Passant

It wasn’t a spectacular leaf:
rather drab, too long from tree.
Yet, the life it clutched
in its five trembling points
turned my strides into steps
into stasis. I watched
as it danced,
sucking more from a gust
than nearby leaves
better suited to flying.
It spiraled away
to a lazuline sky
while I remained rooted;
going nowhere.

Ryan Stone


42 thoughts on “En Passant

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  1. I’m glad you are reposting old poems and letting new followers marvel some more at your poetry.. This was poignant, lovely imagery too. You are a pleasure to read. I have something along the same lines.
    You were the spring
    I was the flower

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Manan. There’s a fair few that I posted when I first started on WP and had very few followers. I thought I’d try to inject some new life into them while I’m putting the finishing touches on some new stuff 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Some things go, and somethings stay..The beauty of this piece remains strongly attached to the autumn images it creates in our minds. A leaf has nothing to fear, but fear itself..
    Gorgeous as always 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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